After unzipping the archive file to a directory you can add the FORCHECK demo icon to a group in the Windows program-manager. A new program-item can be added to the current group by using the menu selections FILE|NEW|PROGRAM-ITEM and then browsing to the correct directory and program name which is FCKDEMO.EXE. Pressing the OK button adds the icon to the current group. Now dubbelclick on the FCKDEMO icon to start the program. The Forcheck demo is FreeWare. There is no payment required and may be freely distributed. If you have any questions or suggestions please contact: Leiden University P.O. box 9604 2300 RC Leiden The Netherlands telephone: +31 71 276804 telefax: +31 71 276782 email: forchk@Rullf2.LeidenUniv.NL Forcheck is a registered trademark of Leiden University